If you have fraud on your account, please contact us immediately at 800-232-8669, option 0.  We will need to block access to your account. If you have given out any information or credentials to your online banking, call us immediately.


If the charges are pending, you must wait for them to post to your account before a fraud claim can be made. Once they post you need to call our dispute department to put in a fraud claim: 866-507-2454 and we will block your debit card to prevent further fraud. If the charges have already posted through your debit card, please call our dispute department to put in a fraud claim:  866-507-2454


 If the fraud was on your credit card, please call us at 866-820-3095 so we may begin the claim process.

ACCOUNT NUMBER FRAUD: If someone has made an External Withdrawal from your account that you did not authorize you would need to complete the form below, by clicking the link. We would like you to come by our branch or call us so we can have someone reach out to you to close the compromised account and open a new one. 

Written Statement of Unauthorized ACH Form